Information to be Included on Evaluation Detail Page (for development use only)
- General
- Year Rolled Out: Need a better name
- Organization Background: About whoever makes the product (LEGO, Boston Science Museum,etc.)
- Description from Product: Basically the exact words that the organization uses to describe their product
- Evaluation Overview
- A description of how e3 sees it
- Age group it is good for
- During school or after school products (or how you would use it for each)
- How would a school use it
- How would a family use it
- Cost (it would be nice for a cost per student for at least a classroom of students ~24ish)
- Engineering Disciplines
- List of engineering fields that it addresses (I suggest we keep it simple by using the core disciplines): Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Computer, Chemical, Controls. Some of the other disciplines are (just put Engineering after each): Aerospace, Materials, Agricultural, Biomedical, Geotechnical, Optical, Transportation, Bio, Environmental, Package, Industrial, Green, Acoustical, Ocean, …. and the list just keeps going on and on ….. I would be okay if Industrial Engineering moved to a core discipline.
- WWW links
- General link to product or program
- Direct link to product or program
- A Google search link if appropriate